An Introduction to 19&YOU and Their Latest Single “HEAD/HEART”

Interview by Adrienne Joelle

Graphic by Rebekah Witt

For 19&YOU, fate comes in different shades. From Sydney, Australia to Los Angeles, California, the up-and-coming band aims to do one thing: capture the moments of life that are definitive whilst seeking clarity from everything in between. 

It just so happened that the four were attending college halfway across the globe only to end up in a place that just felt right. While three met playing in church, they adopted skills from performing live as it became a part of their weekly routine. The band is composed of Cam Graves (vocals), Jackson Leitch (guitar), Liam Wallis (drums), and Noah Taylor (keys and executive producer). 

By 9:30 AM, Noah Taylor is already at his desk working on new music, and he’s there until 9 at night, that is, besides essential coffee breaks. “Lots of coffee and work. That’s pretty much our everyday routine,” said lead singer Cam Graves, who goes for his iced blonde Americano. If they’re not in their home studio setup, they’re at a nearby park to take the edge off from the arduous yet rewarding process of nonstop working and producing music. 

19&YOU is a product that comes from the heart; they weren’t planning on going into this as a band. They simply did what they loved, which was being together making music just for the thrill of it all. It’s a testament this band sticks to: being present throughout all stages of life.

The age of 19 is often overlooked, but in reality, it is a period of learning, growth, and becoming just who you ought to be. Tomorrow is never promised, which heightens the importance to take risks and grow from experience, despite the repercussions that might leave you with heartbreak. This was the case for 19&YOU, miles away from home with high hopes and big dreams.

While social distancing and quarantine took over everyone’s lives, it only made sense that they were to become a formative ensemble. “With school dealing with more hands-on tasks, it didn’t make sense to go to school halfway across the world for college,” Liam Wallis explained. This is something many students can relate to, as online school isn’t always easy. 

However, when one door closes, another one opens. Signed to 3V Method, the group is set to put out their debut EP in March, and there’s no stopping for a band like them. Their latest single, “HEAD/HEART,” is the perfect display of everything they are capable of. The song takes listeners on a journey of being rational and honest, captured through nostalgic rhythms and vivacious melodies. Catching the eye of Zane Lowe, the song premiered on BBC Radio 1 for the first time. A showcase of their signature alt-pop sound, the song lines up beautifully with previous releases “BORED!” and “RUNNIN’.”

“The process started a long time ago in January of 2020,” said Jackson Leitch, to which Graves added: “It’s a strange song for sure, because it starts out with a piano ballad, then eases into a trap beat. It’s like, ‘Woah, where did that come from?’ It ends with a choir, which was just all of our voices combined and turned up. As long as people like it, then that’s cool.” Mirroring intuitive feelings from the heart juxtaposed with the nagging voice of reason, “HEAD/HEART” focuses on the weight that comes with love nearing its end.

From the likes of Troye Sivan to being big The 1975 junkies, it was Noah Taylor’s love for the record Blue Neighbourhood that inspired him to get into producing and songwriting. “Lyrically we try and tell stories that are super specific and real to an experience one of us had. Other than that, we don’t have any hard rules about what does or doesn’t fit us,” said Taylor. “Production elements are something I spend a lot of time trying different options for! There are generally a few specific sounds and ways of processing them that I use specifically for 19 that generally land us in the ballpark of our “sound.” I spend a lot of time trying to keep our records cohesive without making songs that are too similar. It’s the never-ending battle,” he explained. 

While crafting their sound, they also focus on creating a world full of color through visuals that perfectly capture their vision. Influenced by Graves’ taste and working closely with graphic designer Artem Duloglo, their visuals very much emulate live shows; by incorporating dramatic lighting to help set the tone, the band brings their songs to life. When live music is safe again, the band will surely create a magnetic experience to be felt and shared with their growing audience. 

When asked what fans should take away from their music, the band answered that they want people to keep listening with each release and feel whatever they need to feel. “I just want people to feel something,” said Taylor. 

19&YOU pose to be a promising act, as their efforts leave a significant impact in creating a name for themselves. Their music resonates with people, shedding light on the good and bad sides of love, in notable feel-good fashion through pop-driven sounds. Whether blasting in the car with the windows down or through headphones at 2 AM, the group possesses the ability to capture anyone’s attention with style and grace. One listen will have you hooked, and they're just getting started. The best is yet to come for 19&YOU, and it’d be a shame for you to miss it.

Kinda Cool Magazine