Entering a New Era with As It Is

Written by Faith Logue

Graphic by Rebekah Witt

As It Is have released two new singles “ILY, HOW ARE YOU?” and “IDC, I CAN’T TAKE IT.” They previously released singles with a more rock/metal type feel, which is a common genre As It Is utilizes in their songs. These new singles are a lot more pop-like with little hints of rock elements. I am unsure how to feel about the new era because I am so used to As It Is being very rock-heavy and looking very intimidating—for example, the band’s The Great Depression era was full of black lipstick and clothes. These new singles do not disappoint; as soon as I heard lead singer Patty Walter’s voice, I was hit with nostalgia and the fact that I have missed listening to this band, as well as the excitement of new music.

The first song, “ILY, HOW ARE YOU?” sounds like a pop song I would hear on the radio, not in a bad way though. I am used to the heavy rock As It Is are always putting out, so this new sound took me a little bit to get used to. Patty’s voice sounds a lot deeper than in past songs, even past singles. I am not sure if this was on purpose to switch things up or if his voice is really changing to fit the new era’s sound. There are a few lyrics in the song which stand out to me because they are really clever and hit my ear in the right way. One of these lyrics is in the chorus, “You smile/But your eyes/They scream ‘Ignore me.’” I think we all can relate to this line, which speaks about the fact that, behind our smiles or others’ smiles, there can be something deeper. It can be a sadness or a feeling of wanting to get away from a situation. Another set of lyrics I really like are found in the post-chorus, “Down/But the raining is pouring/Down.” I really like these lyrics because the way Walters sings “down” makes the song better. This song would be a great slower song to add to a setlist for a good break, and I hope they play this song live in the future.

The second single released is called, “IDC, I CAN’T TAKE IT,” and it gives me a lot of summer vibes, like a song I would put on driving and blast with the windows down. I like the title of this song because of its irony. Normally the saying is “I don’t care, I can take it,” but As It Is switches it up by saying they can’t take it and still don’t care. Speaking about the song, the band says this song is a party anthem and a “fuck you” to those people who don’t pay attention to you, despite the fact that you go out of your way for them. The band says to let them go because they won’t know what they are missing until it’s gone. I like that message because I find myself caring a lot for certain people and, in turn, getting nothing back, and learning to live without them is the best for you. This song is much more rock than the other song and reminds me of the As It Is I am used to. Walters' voice is still different and deeper, but it could be the added muffled and pitched background effects prevalent throughout the song. I think the best lyrics of this song come from the bridge because the song slows down and really explains the message the song is trying to convey. The lyrics say, “I don’t care what you say, I don’t care what you do/I don’t care what you think, I don’t care if it’s true/I don’t care if you leave, I don’t care if we’re through/It doesn’t matter to me.” I think they are going to become my motto towards people that have made me upset, and I think that will be healthier for me.

The two new singles, “ILY, HOW ARE YOU?” and “IDC, I CAN’T TAKE IT” are available to stream on every platform, and both singles have music videos accompanying them. This new era of As It Is is very exciting, and I can’t wait to hear what they create next!

Kinda Cool Magazine