Dad Bod Talks "Spirits" and Upcoming EP

Interview by Faith Logue

Graphic by Vic Maltese

Dad Bod is a Minnesota-based indie band whose music will have you on your feet, swaying back and forth. The band consists of four members - Callie Marino, Wilson Zellar, Noah Topliff, and Alex Gray. Originally, the band consisted of music from solely Callie Marino, but they have since expanded into a full-piece band. Dad Bod meshes their punk aesthetic together with other influences to make a blend of unique sounds and styles. They have a new single called “Spirits,” and a new EP coming out very soon. I talked with Callie Marino about the new single and how the band Dad Bod came to be.

Your band name is very interesting, and a cool take on a phrase that Internet culture knows so well. How did you decide this would be your band name?

The name ‘Dad Bod’ came from this deep-rooted fear I had of people I know linking me to the personal songs I write. I mean, last June, I drove 6 hours to Chicago to play my first solo show. I knew about 3 people there. A few months before, the folks running the festival really needed me to give them a name for promo material. I picked ‘Dad Bod’ last-minute off of a running list of band name ideas on my notes app. I blame the immense amount of pop-punk I listened to as a teen. It took me a couple of months after the Chicago show to find the courage to play in Minneapolis and the name stuck around as a safety net - even though I have now (mostly) shed that fear.

How would you describe your sound to someone who has yet to listen to you?

Our sound is a blend of so many different influences! I usually go with the broad label of indie-rock, but we add shoegazey, folksy nuances to make a unique sound that's hard to define. We don't typically like to limit the music we make to a genre because we have many different directions we're looking towards going in the future.

Your aesthetic gives me a vibe of a punk rock look with touches of indie - how would you describe it?

We used to play a lot of house shows, so the ‘punky’ look probably stems from the casual nature of the midwest DIY scene. Or from the fact that 85% of our combined wardrobes are black. However, we take pride in not being beholden to a certain aesthetic or style when it comes to our music and looks. We all have relatively different influences and find a way to mesh them together into a unique soundscape.

When I listen to “Spirits,” it makes me feel like I am at a high school dance and slow dancing. What did you want the song to come across as?

I think the core of “Spirits” goes hand-in-hand with the high school experience - longing to be seen, while equally terrified of being seen. It's always been a fun song to let loose on at shows because it's a lot more light-hearted than some of our other songs. Regardless of age, we hope you have a fun time dancing around to it.

I heard there is an EP coming out soon, how excited are you to release it? 

We are SO excited to release it! Our EP consists of 5 stripped-down songs that Wilson and I [Callie] have recorded during all of this craziness. It's a softer work focused on a feeling kind of like how the songs sounded when I wrote them. It is set to release on July 10th.

What would you say to someone who wants to start making music but doesn’t really know where to begin? 

Put it out there. That's the most intimidating part. I struggled a lot with imposter syndrome, and I think finding the courage within yourself to put your music out there (either virtually or live!) helps combat that fear. You can look back and tell yourself, I did that, therefore, I can do this! I would also say don't be afraid to introduce yourself at shows or over social media. It can be intimidating, but 99% of the people who make music remember what it's like to first start out. People want to help give you a boost.

If you could tour with any band, who would you tour with?

I would die to tour with Big Thief, Julien Baker, Gleemer, Half Waif, or Rigby. All 5 of these artists exhibit similar vulnerabilities within their music while maintaining a distinct signature style.

After the EP is released, can we expect a full-length album from you?

You bet. Our full-length, full-band album will be released by the end of summer. We can't wait for you all to hear it.

The description alone of their music really doesn’t capture the unique sounds of it. In order to fully grasp their style, you’ll have to listen for yourself. You can learn more about the band, listen to their single “Spirits,” and prepare for the July 10th EP release at their Bandcamp page.