Waterparks Get Emotional In New Song “SELF-SABOTAGE”

Written by Faith Logue

Graphic by Rebekah Witt

    The new era of Waterparks is coming with a brand new single “SELF-SABOTAGE” after their previous single, “FUNERAL GREY.” The new song was announced and released within a few days of each other. The new era color is red, and something Waterparks does that I enjoy is with every new era there is a new color associated with it. With red being connotated with the emotion of anger, I wonder if there is going to be that theme on the new album.

    The song starts very slow and mellow, with guitars and a steady drum beat. The lyrics hint at other themes the lead singer Awsten Knight has sung about, “Might unplug my phone at night/When you need me most I’ll miss that flight,” because he sings about phones a lot, such as in their song “Telephone.” Flying is also something talked about a lot, similar to their song “Lowkey As Hell.” The prechorus has a nice build-up, with the feeling of a breakdown coming in the chorus.​​ The chorus is catchy, as Knight sings “I’m on my way to you/But I self-sabotage/ And crash into your garage (ooh, ooh).” I think the best part of the chorus is the very end because his voice gets all high-pitched. I also really enjoy the after chorus as he sings “What the fuck is wrong with me” because it is very different from the rest of the song, and it is almost like he is going through a breakdown as he sings it. The end of the song has groovy synths and guitar, and it is very interesting.

    Overall, the new Waterparks song “SELF-SABOTAGE” is very well done, and it makes me very excited for the new era and new album.