Get to Know Highwind

By Ravyn Cavanaugh

Graphic by Emily Lantzy

At Kinda Cool Magazine, we love introducing our readers to new bands and artists. Today we bring you an interview with Chris Russo of the band Highwind. Read on to find out more about this upcoming New Jersey band!

Introduce yourself to the readers who don't know who you guys are!

We are an alternative/pop-rock band known as Highwind!

Where are you from?

We are based out of Asbury Park, NJ.

Who is in the band?

There are two of us. Dan is our bassist and one of the vocalists. I play guitar and do our main vocals. We have rotating fill-ins that join us for our live shows.

When did you guys form?

I started the project in May of 2018 as a solo project of sorts. I started recording the first demo with CJ Rarela, the guy who produced and engineered our first EP. Halfway through the process of recording that demo, we decided to just make a full EP. Dan joined a few months after I started the recording process.

What kind of music do you guys play?

We play a mix of alternative, pop-rock, and punk rock. 

Do you guys have a particular writing process when it comes to creating music?

I start by writing a skeleton of our songs. I get an idea for a chorus or a verse, and the whole song just kind of happens from there. It's usually never lyrics or music first. I just kind of write whatever comes to mind. I bring the skeleton to Dan after it's done, and we detail it out from there. He has a production background, so he knows how to take a skeleton and expand on it until it's as much of a song as it can be.

Biggest influences?

Our biggest influences that we share would probably be Paramore, Anberlin, and Sleeping With Sirens. A lot of my personal influences would be bands like As It Is, Yellowcard, The Dangerous Summer, Selfish Things, Deaf Havana, flor, Taking Back Sunday, and Polar Bear Club, just to name a few.

Any big things you're working on? (new music/videos/tour)

We just put out a new single a couple of months ago called "2023." As well as [we] just released a music video for the track. We're going to shoot another video for another new single real soon, and then head back to the studio to work on new music for everyone. After that, I would love to head back into show-mode and play more places we haven't been to.

If two bands or artists had a baby and created your band, who would the parents be?

That's honestly really hard to narrow down to just two...I would probably say older Paramore and newer Deaf Havana.

Hobbies outside of music?

I'm actually super into gaming. I've been playing Nintendo systems since I was really little. I still play my N64 and my Gamecube to this day and have tattoos dedicated to Nintendo games. I also still have my PS2 as well. I have an undying love for fighting games in particular, like Smash Bros, King of Fighters, or Marvel Vs. Capcom. I've been super into PC gaming recently, and have been playing a lot of Rocket League, Dragon Ball FighterZ, and Lethal League. Dan is also a music producer. He works on electronic beats, mixing, and the more production-based side of music. He's constantly working on his craft and I am super proud of him for that.

Why should people listen to you guys?

I want to spread a message through our music. That message being; "It is okay to be honest with yourself and others." Whether that honesty is full of feelings of happiness, dread, anger, sadness, fear, excitement, love, whatever it may be. You are allowed to be open and honest with yourself and those around you. I want to encourage everyone to show a vulnerability that I feel people don't show anymore. I want our music to be a form of release for those who listen. They're truthfully a form of release for myself when I write them.

Anything else you want us to know?

I'm super appreciative of everyone who has taken the time to listen to our music, watch our videos, come see us at a show, buy a t-shirt, talk to us at a show, engage with us on social media, any of that. I'm very grateful to anyone and everyone who has given us even the slightest bit of attention. I can't even fully express how grateful I am and how much it means to us. 

Kinda Cool Magazine loves Highwind, and we think you will too! Give them a listen and discover your new favorite band for yourself!

Follow Highwind on social media:

Instagram: @HighwindNJ

Twitter: @HighwindBandNJ