"House Parade" is a Bedroom Pop Daydream that you Won't Want to Miss

Jordie Saenz is an alternative/indie musician from Southern California who's been making music since 2016. His music is reminiscent of Sufjan Stevens and Adult Mom, which is more prevalent than ever on his new EP, House Parade.

    With his ethereal vocals and bedroom pop-esque instrumentals, I couldn't help but be drawn in and enchanted by his music, so when I was asked to review his EP, I was beyond excited.

    His soft voice welcomes you into the first track, released in 2018 as a single, titled “Change.” His voice sounds comforting and almost as if he's singing directly to the listener, and the song sounds like something that could be in an indie movie.

    It's a safe opening to the EP, and the next song is something stronger. “Make Gold” was also released as a single in 2018, and it's definitely a favorite of mine prior to listening to the EP. His voice isn't as soft this time around, and the drums are more prominent on this track.

    His voice sounds almost melancholic as he sings. Near the end of the song, it slows down a bit, as he sounds slightly heartbroken, but as it speeds up again, the sadness leaves his voice and a sense of calm seems to wash over the song. It's a comforting track that I know many will love.

    The next song, “Familiar Laughs,” has a spacey vibe, far different from the first two tracks. His vocals are less rough and more clear, sounding like he's heading in a more bedroom pop direction for this track.

    “Familiar Laughs” has a sense of childlike wonder to it and feels like it's full of innocence. I was sad for the song to end, as it was a nice change of pace from the acoustic and softness already shown in his music. It was nice of him to change it up a bit and be more creative on what I know will grow to be my favorite of all his tracks.

    The next song, entitled “Lotus,” is also quite different from the other songs, yet it has a similar bedroom pop vibe as “Familiar Laughs.” His opening vocals feel fresh and pure, which maintain the same vibe for the continuation of the song. It begins to change pace a bit, with drums coming in but sounding far away.

    He sounds so ethereal on the track, making the overall track feel like a daydream. The lyrics feel like a soft kiss to the listener's brain, and it feels like he's whispering to the listener for them to keep safe and sacred.

    The final song is the title track and starts out with an acoustic guitar, reverting back to the style of the first two tracks. His vocals remind me of Sufjan Stevens, and the lyrics seem to sweep you off your feet and the instrumentals sound if they're holding you close and soothing you.

    It's definitely not the strongest track, but still an amazing listen. The drums sound distant once again, but it's not something I mind, as it adds to the whole indie feel. The ending of the song sounds like a dream and it seems to hold me in a trance, wanting more songs. The EP shows off his talent but also left me expecting more.

    For fans of artists such as Adult Mom, Sufjan Stevens, and Death Cab For Cutie, I would suggest you check out this EP. While it's not perfect, it's something you can't miss, as it brings something new to the table and will not fail to impress. The EP is definitely safe, but at the same time, it will entrance you. I would rate this album as an 8/10!

    House Parade comes out on March 29th, and it's definitely something I would recommend to any fans of indie, bedroom pop, and alternative music. Make sure to check out his other music on Spotify and Bandcamp, and stream House Parade once it's released!

Written by: Cole Tucker

Edited by: Mary Perez